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If you’re happy with a modest, 5% growth in your retirement each year…

If you love talking about index funds… 

If you have no desire to even think about ultra-aggressive investing opportunities… 


On the other hand, if you already have some smart, conservative investments… 

And you’re not afraid of venturing the Wild West of investing… 

And you’re willing to risk a little cash in exchange for a CHANCE to 10X, 20X, even 100X your starting stake… 

Then you need to sit down and read this message. 

Because we’re at the beginning of what I believe is “Crypto 3.0”... 

And if everything goes as planned it's an event which should kick off in earnest starting on September 18th, 2024. 

And just like the previous crypto crazes of the last ten years…. 

We expect that “Crypto 3.0” will create a new crop of multimillionaires. 

But it won’t be Bitcoin or Ethereum that dishes out the money. 

Those coins have already made outrageous fortunes for their early investors. 

Instead, “Crypto 3.0” will unleash a torrential flood of money into a small-batch of virtually UNKNOWN cryptocurrencies…. 

Cryptocurrencies that you won’t hear about on CNBC…Bloomberg…or the Wall Street Journal... 

But starting in the next few weeks… 

Placing just $100 into one of these coins could turn into $1,000, $5,000, or even $10,000… 

And it might happen by the end of September. 

Now, to be clear, what I’m about to show you is highly risky

Crypto is one of the most volatile assets you can put your money into. You should only ever invest in crypto if you have money you can afford to lose. 

Because you could lose everything. 

But that’s why crypto is so special. 

Despite being so high-risk… 

When things go right, people can grow wealthier than their wildest dreams. 

During Crypto 1.0, from 2014 onward, a trader could have turned $1,000 into $140,000…


And even $1.3 million… 

During Crypto 2.0, in the years following 2016, a trader could have turned $1,000 into $356,830… 


Or even an insane $10.9 million with some of the best performing coins! 

And during “Crypto 3.0”…. 

I expect a similar situation to unfold…

Propelling unheard of crypto coins into the stratosphere… 

And handing investors what could be another round of ludicrous gains! Of course, each of these coins could go to zero… 

But with even a tiny chance to take a single $500 investment and turn it into $1 million…

The potential gains far outweigh the cost in my mind. 

But if you want to get in on “Crypto 3.0,” there isn’t time to waste.

Because on September 18th, a major event is expected. 

And when it does… 

We expect “Crypto 3.0” to ROCKET into the mainstream the same way that Bitcoin and Ethereum did. 

And in the process, dish out another round of what could be life-changing gains 

We’ve already seen a small taste of Crypto 3.0’s potential… 

As a handful of the best performing coins have skyrocketed in value over the past few months. 

Like this over 4,000% gain in a single week on Pepe coin:

Or this 823% gain on Gigachad in a month:

Or this… An over 4,000% gain in a single day!

These are absolutely disgusting gains… 

And while they’re rare, they are happening over and over again: 

As I write this report, over the last 30 days alone:


Sharbi Coin has gained 7,123% 

Open Platform has gained 5,349% 

Mode has gained 3346.52% 

And again, as I prepare this report, in just the last 24 hours, a coin called TOAD soared 960% 

Imagine a trader seeing a gain of 960% in a single day. 

He puts $1,000 into it on a Monday, and opens his phone while drinking his morning coffee on Tuesday and sees that the trade is now worth nearly $10,000. 

What a day… 

Going from the price of a nice bicycle to a nice Toyota Corolla in less than 24 hours.

And if a trader would have put more money into that trade… they could be looking at something way nicer than a corolla.

But as amazing as those gains are- 

The small coins they come from are still unknown to the broader public, and they’re mostly traded by hardcore crypto experts. 

The real opportunity- 

The opportunity for absolutely massive potential profits is when these small, cutting edge cryptos break through into the mainstream. 

And that moment could be closer than you think… 

Literally, just a short while from now on September 18th. 

And when that moment hits… 

Every investor is going to want to have 5 special coins in their portfolio. 

Because each of them has the power to turn just a $500 starting stake into over $20,000 or $40,000 or more as “Crypto 3.0” takes hold. 

And if you want to get in on the ground floor, NOW is the time to take action. 

In just a second,  

I’m going to tell you exactly what the major catalyst for “Crypto 3.0” is and why it’s coming VERY soon…

I’m going to share the blockchain that it’s built on (NOT Bitcoin or Ethereum)…

I’ll share the details on how you can the 5 tiny cryptocurrencies that we expect will SOAR as Crypto 3.0 hits the mainstream

But first let me introduce myself:

Because our politicians…from Trump…to Chuck Schumer… Are all onboard the crypto train!

Unlike Crypto 1.0…which our politicians didn’t even notice… 

And unlike Crypto 2.0, which just confused them…. 

Finally, after more than a decade in the spotlight… 

Our leaders in Washington D.C. are finally starting to “get the memo” on crypto’s enormous wealth-generating potential. 

Earlier this year, Democrats and Republicans came together to encourage more widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies 

And former President Trump is embracing crypto, holding a recent meeting with cryptocurrency executives at Mar-a-Lago, and saying that he hopes all future Bitcoin are mined in the United States of America. 

It truly is CRYPTO SEASON in America 

And while we certainly cannot promise future returns, the famous blue chip cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum are doing well… 

But we believe that the most exciting gains are going to come from “Crypto 3.0”…

When 5 tiny little-known cryptos break into the mainstream.

Just like what happened during Crypto 2.0 only a few short years ago. 

By now, you’ve probably heard of Dogecoin… 

But back in 2019, only a small circle of crypto insiders knew Dogecoin existed. 

Until Elon Musk tweeted about it on April 2, 2019 

And Dogecoin soared from a fraction of a cent to over 73 cents… 

A staggering 9,884% gain in 2021 alone. 

Glauber Contessoto, a 33 year old man, became famous for investing in DogeCoin just before Elon Musk tweeted about it…

And saw his holdings soar to be worth over $4 million at its height.

Then there was Shiba Inu coin. 

Two brothers named Tommy and James withheld their last names for privacy reasons… but CNBC verified that back in 2021, they got their whole family into Shiba Inu… 

And woke up millionaires two weeks later. 

Then there was  Rob, a former warehouse manager, who went for broke and put $8,000 into Shiba…… 

And his investment paid  off BIG. 

Rob’s $8,000  hit $200,000… 


And eventually $1 million. 

That’s a 1,150% gain. 

Again, these are some absurd and rare stories, most crypto investors will never see this type of fame and fortune, but….

THIS is the potential we see for Cryptocurrency 3.0 when it breaks into the mainstream on September 18th.

But by the time that happens the most outrageous gains will already have been made. 

So NOW is the time to act. 

Because for all of that enormous wealth generated, the total crypto market - including every single cryptocurrency - is still significantly less than the market cap of Apple or Microsoft or Nvidia or Amazon. 

Just think about that. 

Even though crypto has tens of millions of users… 

Even though  an entire country (El Salvador) has declared  crypto as legal tender… 

The President of El Salvador reaffirms his commitment to crypto on X (formerly known as Twitter)

Even though the leading US presidential candidate has made crypto a core part of his platform….

It still only has a TOTAL global market cap roughly half that of any of the big tech companies. 

So my point is - there is ENORMOUS room to grow. 

Literally trillions in potential growth if the entire crypto market becomes just the same size of a SINGLE large cap American company like Netflix… 

And enormous growth is exactly what we say on the immediate horizon with the crypto 3.0 revolution. 

We expect to see billions… if not trillions rush into the crypto space in the very near future… 

And in just a second we’ll share our absolute best trade ideas for joining in on that growth. 

So what exactly IS the Crypto 3.0 revolution?

First, you have to understand the 1.0 and 2.0 crypto revolutions. 

And fortunately, it’s very simple. 

You don’t need to dig into the intricacies of cryptographic decentralized ledgers or the economic theory of non-fiat currencies. 

You just have to see two of the most staggering wealth gain charts in human history. 

Here’s the first one: 

Crypto 1.0 began with the launch of Bitcoin… 

Which climbed from just a few cents… 

To over $73,000 a coin. 

It was the first  Bitcoin officially launched on January 3, 2009.. 

It was the first major cryptocurrency and practical use of Blockchain technology. 

It created enormous fortunes… 

Changed how the world thinks about money and privacy… 

And inspired millions of people around the world to build a powerful financial system independent of bloated and corrupt banks and governments. 

It also made its mysterious founder Satoshi Nakomoto into one of the richest men in the entire world. 

Not to mention the other Bitcoin billionaires like Michael Saylor, Tim Draper, and Mike Novogratz…. 

And of course, the Winklevoss twins, who were kicked out of Facebook before turning Bitcoin into a multi-billion dollar payday. .

But it wasn't just early adopters who got rich… 

Because by FAR the greatest wealth-generating opportunities come when new cryptos break into the mainstream… 

And gain mass adoption by retail investors. 

By 2015, Bitcoin had already made those in the know quite a fortune. 

But the best was yet to come. 

Because that year, the first ever Bitcoin ETF was launched… 

Allowing regular investors to load up on crypto  without having to own a digital wallet… 

Or create a coinbase account. 

Anyone could now trade and invest in Bitcoin straight from their retirement account. 

This made it easy for regular people… especially regular people with some money to invest, like your elderly relatives… to join in on the cryptocurrency wealth wave. 

And sure enough, immediately after, the price of Bitcoin went into the stratosphere. 

As it stands, there are over 100,000 Bitcoin millionaires today…

And while crypto as a new asset class has always been highly volatile compared to the stock market, the good times haven’t stopped. 

Just in the past year, crypto traders with good timing could have seen a 90% gain. 

(And by the way if you have been subscribing to my emails then, you would have seen us alert our readers right before the run-up happened) 

But that’s nothing compared to the second crypto revolution:


Crypto 2.0  kicked off on July 30th, 2015, just 6 years after Bitcoin. 

And just like Bitcoin… 

During Crypto 2.0, Ethereum saw stratospheric growth… 

Rising from just  a few cents per coin to highs of over $4,000. 

Ethereum built on the early promise of Bitcoin, taking the decentralized ledger, the privacy and the security… 

And added in the ability to program smart contracts right on the Ethereum Blockchain. 

So the coin itself became incredibly valuable… 

But so did its technology, allowing people to create other coins on top of Ethereum, and build all kinds of creative investing ideas directly in the blockchain. 

Ethereum was also the first major cryptocurrency to introduce staking - paying holders a dividend in return for helping secure the Blockchain network. 

These were huge leaps forward in crypto technology - and they brought the crypto world much closer to being able to replace the traditional banking functions controlled by banks and governments. 

And like every major technological leap forward, an enormous amount of new wealth soon followed. 

Ethereum’s founders — Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood — made billions of dollars. 

But just like with the first crypto revolution, the ability to invest in Ethereum through a regular investment account is what truly turned on the spigots of wealth. 

That came in 2019, when the first Ethereum ETF was launched. 

Regular people could now easily buy direct exposure to Ethereum from a standard brokerage account like Morgan Stanley or Robinhood or Fidelity.

And just like with Bitcoin, Ethereum’s value shot up as retail investors piled in. 

It was a second chance to participate in one of the most incredible wealth explosions of all time. 

And explode it did. 

A study by the website Crypto Rank found that just within the last year, over 8,000 Ethereum millionaires have been created… 

And tens of thousands more are sitting with  significant wealth in their Ethereum wallets. 

Now, just 11 years after Bitcoin kicked off Crypto 1.0… 

And five years after Ethereum kicked off Crypto 2.0…The  same conditions are forming again… 

And you may very well have a third (and potentially final) chance… 

A chance to join in on a potentially ATMOSPHERIC wealth explosion, as a new blockchain emerges… 

But like everything in crypto, it’s moving quickly, so pay close attention, because this is where I’m going to share exactly how you can join in TODAY… 

And I don’t think a chance like this may ever come around again. 

Because “Crypto 3.0” is here. 

A third crypto revolution that could surpass Bitcoin… 

And surpass Ethereum in total wealth generated. 

It’s name is: 


But unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum… 

The wealth-building potential of Solana could  be multiplied hundreds, thousands, even millions of times from this day forward. 

Because Solana does something that no other blockchain has ever done before… 

Something that could allow individual investors to become millionaires many times over if they’re extremely lucky.   

I will explain how all of it works in just a moment, and trust me, we may have only moments to spare. 

Because on September 18th, Solana will pass through a crucial threshold: 

It will be opened up for mass adoption. 

Just like happened with Bitcoin…just like what happened with Ethereum… 

If everything goes as planned, a new Solana ETF is set to launch on September 18th. 

And just like in the prior two crypto revolutions, this will open up Solana for retail investors. 

And while nothing is certain when it comes to trading, I expect similar gains to follow. 

And can you imagine getting into Bitcoin when it was trading for just $179? 

Just buying 15 coins at that price would have turned into over a million dollars. 

But get this. 

Right now, $179 is exactly what Solana is trading at. 

Meaning come September 18th, lucky investors could see that $179 turn into: 




Or even $1,111,179 over the coming months and years.

But as crazy as it sounds… 

This isn’t where we think the MOST money-making potential is. 

Why Solana — and Crypto 3 — could be 1000x MORE POWERFUL Than Bitcoin and Ethereum

What if you had taken the 14,510% Gain on Bitcoin… 

Or the 971% gain on Ethereum… 

And multiplied it by 10x, 20x, or even 100x. 

How much money would that have turned into? 

Well, that’s exactly why I’m so bullish on Solana. 

Because unlike all the other blockchains that came before it, Solana provides a simple-to-use platform for ANYONE to create a coin. 

Meaning it magnifies and multiples the amount  of possible cryptocurrencies… 

By 1000-fold or more! 

Just to imagine how significant this will be, let’s go back to 1970. 

To create a piece of software required a PH.d. in computer science, electrical engineering experience, and an advanced knowledge of mathematics. 

But now, there are tens of thousands of software products, created by large companies, sure… 

But also by small teams or even individuals. 

And with the democratization of software has come enormous wealth generation, 

In fact, the global software industry is expected to hit $1.7 trillion over the next few years. 

And while Bitcoin and Ethereum are like computers circa 1970, Solana is like modern-day software… 

It makes it easy to mint new coins and generate new wealth. 

And in our opinion… 

The lion’s share of the new money generated by Crypto 3.0… 

Will come from the coins that are created on the Solana platform. 

5 coins, to be precise. 

And each of these 5 shots on goal has a small but real chance of being the next absolutely insane, crypto wealth creation story. 

There’s not a single second to waste if you want to get in on what could be the ground floor. 

Because remember: 

The Solana ETF is expected to launch on September 18th. 

And this will kick off the third great crypto revolution…. 

As regular retail investors can access it with ease. 

And as all that money flows in… 

Thousands of new coins could be created… 

Each of which has the power to dish out ENORMOUS gains. 

In fact, it’s already started. 

GUARDIAN has gained 926% over the last 30 days.

ICC has gained 1960% - again just in the last month.

And CMONK has gained a staggering 2028% over the last month.

So if you want a shot at what could be the BIGGEST possible gains on Solana and the tiny coins built on top of its blockchain… 

You need to take action BEFORE the main event kicks off. 

To help you, we’ve gone ahead and written up detailed instructions on the exact coins we love the most. The report is called:

The Ultimate Guide to Next Gen Crypto

The Crypto 3.0 Revolution:

These little-known coins typically cost a few cents a piece… 

And if they achieve even a fraction of the gains that we’ve seen other coins enjoy… 

Not to mention the world-changing gains of Ethereum and Bitcoin… 

The very best could hand investors outrageous gains when the Crypto 3.0 revolution that we’re predicting, kicks off on September 18th … 


And because they are so cheap… 

Just a few hundred dollars into each will give you a shot at enormous gains. 

The first one, at 31 cents as I write this, is a brilliant feat of technical engineering that allows you to swap between virtually any other major blockchain including Bitcoin and Ethereum all without needing a bank or brokerage account… 

The next one is a controversial politically themed coin that many experts expect to SKYROCKET around the US election… 

And right now it costs a fraction of a cent per coin. We are extremely early on this one. If it reaches even 50 cents - as unlikely as that may be - it’s a millionaire maker. 

Another one of our picks uses its decentralized network to train powerful AI vision of the world… making it incredibly valuable to tech companies, and giving its holders a shot at serious wealth.

This report gives you:

The names of the 5 Solana coins with MASSIVE potential

Detailed instructions for purchasing them and storing them YOURSELF (Remember! Not your keys, not your coins)

A price target based on social sentiment and market cap 

If you’re new to cryptocurrency, this report is perfect for you. 

It gives you detailed instructions and screenshots for purchasing these coins. 

If you haven’t paid close attention to this point, we’re going to say it one more time: 


Do not put more money into this than you can afford to lose. 

Many, many, many small cryptocurrencies end up virtually worthless… 

This is mainly about HAVING FUN and diving into an incredible new wealth ernation technology EARLY. 

But there is a very small chance that you could get in on a METEORIC, once in a lifetime gain. 

And if that very rare event happens, and we mean with a capital “IF”… 

Well, we’ll wave to you as you step out of your private jet into a Rolls Royce waiting for you at a Swiss skiing chalet… 

Or maybe as you step out of a private helicopter landing on the secret Hawaiian island that is ONLY FOR SUPER RICH PEOPLE. 

IF one of these coins does miraculously hit a meteoric rise, we’ll email you the location. 

They won’t tell it to us yet either… but the rumors make it sound INCREDIBLE. 

But that’s far from all the package contains. 

We’re also including a second special report called:

Digital Dividends: Earn Income From The Crypto 3.0 Revolution.

While any of the biggest potential gains are going to come from the tiny coins built on top of Solana… 

There’s still plenty of potential within Solana itself. 

One of our favorite methods is something we like to call “digital dividends.” 

With just the click of a few buttons, it’s possible to collect a 7% dividend just by owning a little bit of Solana. 

Now of course you should never risk your retirement savings on altcoins, but for the sake of math, an investor with a comfortable retirement account of $400k, this could mean a couple thousand bucks per month. 

But that’s at current prices. 

If Solana’s growth goes parabolic… 

Like we believe will start September 18th… 

Well, those dividend payouts could go parabolic as well. 

Potentially even growing to TENS of thousands in monthly income.

Try and get that from a bank holding US dollars! 

The best part is, it only takes a few minutes to get started. 

And all you have to do is click a few buttons.

And in this report, we’ll walk you through everything step-by-step.

Now, if things go like I think they will, our members could have a shot at targeting PLENTY of money flowing in from Crypto 3.0. 

Which is why this next special bonus report is so important. 

It’s called: 

Crypto Fortress: The Iron-Clad, Off-Grid Coin to Shield Your Wealth from EVERYONE

Look - here at Wealthpin we have to tell you to pay all your taxes and do all your government paperwork perfectly. 

We certainly make an effort to do that! 

But a HUGE appeal of the cryptocurrency movement is that it’s decentralized. It’s outside of the banks and the Federal Reserve and government oversight. 

And there’s a red-hot crypto that builds on those privacy and decentralization aspects… with incredibly powerful new technology. 

While the blockchains for Ethereum and Bitcoin don’t show your name or any personal information - they do show every wallet, and every transaction between every wallet. 

But this “off-grid” coin uses technologies called “confidential transactions” and “stealth addresses” to hide even that.
So its blockchain is still completely secure and decentralized - and completely anonymous. 

If you want to store your wealth in a way that can instantly cross borders without ANYONE knowing what’s going on - this is the coin for you. 

And because of these incredible features - the popularity is rising as well and we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see this coin double or triple in value as well… 

With some analysts predicting it could happen by the end of the year. 

But the real reason to buy it is TOTAL off-grid control and privacy, and this report will show you exactly how to buy this coin, store it ANONYMOUSLY, and make sure that your wealth is YOUR BUSINESS and no one else's. 

Together, this package is the perfect quick start guide to the Crypto 3.0 revolution. 

We’ve had our team spend months and over $25,000 putting this together… poring over charts… testing out different crypto exchanges and purchasing platforms… executing test crypto purchases, trades and swaps… and carefully documenting each and every step. 

But every penny has been worth it when you consider what it offers:

Our Top 5 “Next Gen” crypto coins that have the power to climb as high as 2028% when Crypto 3.0 kicks off on September 18th 

How to collect “Digital Dividends” totaling in what could be the thousands per month…just with the click of a few buttons. 

The off-grid cryptocurrency that allows you to store, spend and transfer your wealth with NO interference by banks or governments and to do it with complete anonymity 

BONUS: Our favorite platforms…wallets…and exchanges. Plus, detailed instructions on how to set them up! 

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never gone near a cryptocurrency in your life… 

Or if you were mining Bitcoin on your gaming laptop back in 2014. There is truly something here for everyone.

You can snap up the 5 tiny cryptos with what we see having massive potential… you can start earning income from Solana …

And you can learn the top crypto tax-saving strategies that we’ve uncovered (but always consult with your accountant!). 

This package is designed to get you started as quickly or as slowly as you like. 

And with the 5 coins trading for just a few cents…. 

Granted, not every coin can be a winner, but our research tells us that each has 10,000% plus profit potential in the months to come after the September 18th ETF catalyst. 

This opportunity at immense wealth is extremely affordable. 

But there is one thing you simply CANNOT afford to do: 

You absolutely can not afford to wait. 

Cryptocurrency moves FAST. It is cyclical, and we do not know how fast…or how long… 

The Crypto 3.0 Bull Market will last! 

“Bitcoin’s Next Move Could Be $100,000, But This Is Still Altcoin Season”

-Yahoo Finance

So if you want a shot at joining in on the tiny crypto bull craze, you need to claim your copy of this package RIGHT NOW. 

I am going to send it to you immediately. 

All it costs is just a single, one-time payment… 

The total will run you less than a full-tank of gas… 

But you’ll get access to all of my top 5 Crypto 3.0 coins…. 

That could turn just a few dollars into thousands, tens of thousands, or, this is unlikely but you could get extremely lucky…. 

Millions of dollars. 

Along with the full Crypto 3.0 package, you’re also going to get even more when you purchase. 

Please allow me to introduce: 

My name is Alex Reid.

I’m the founder and chief investment strategist of the independent market research firm Wealthpin.

My name is Alex Reid

I’m the founder and chief investment strategist of Wealthpin, an independent market research firm.

I studied economics at one of the most prestigious colleges in America.. 

And after graduation, I found a job at a billion-dollar financial firm. 

It was there that I was able to cut my teeth in the world of finance. 

My job was to develop trading strategies, test them, and then… 

If they were promising… 

We would license those strategies to individuals and other companies to trade with. 

I taught myself how to code,,, 

And got to train on the $25,000 per year Bloomberg terminal that gave me access to virtually every financial data point ever developed by human beings. 

Corn futures in Arkansas… Currency hedges on the Nikkei… Lithium mining results in Australia…or credit spreads on the bond markets… 

I got to run millions of data points of trade data and test out whatever trading strategy I wanted. 

Thanks to the experience I gained there and to my own investments,  I was able to quit and become a full-time independent analyst and trader. 

Today, I’m proud to say that tens of thousands of people subscribe to Wealthpin to read my trade ideas and market analysis. 

And now I’m able to provide my research and analysis to some of the highest caliber people in the market including former hedge fund managers and even a billionaire family that is a major Berkshire Hathaway shareholder. 

One of our analysts was even  an early cryptocurrency adopter who saw a tiny, few-thousand dollar stake in Ethereum soar to over $140,000 from just July to January. 

And selling some of his stake paid for a down payment on a house.

And it’s not just my colleagues either. 

Thanks to my success as a financial researcher, I’ve been able to make some aggressive bets of my own. 

In fact, I co-founded a Colorado real estate investing firm that has millions of dollars of assets under management. 

But what I’m most proud of is spreading the success I’ve enjoyed to our readers. 

I was able to warn them in advance of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, calling it “portfolio poison” and potentially saving investors from a 100% loss. 

Then just before the AI craze truly erupted, I recommended Palantir, the AI stock with massive US military contracts, which has begun a rapid climb, going from $15 a share to over $28 and still rising. 

And then for more active strategies, I developed the “One Ticker. One Week” trading strategies… which has been on a 17 out of 20 win streak since February. 

And some of my best students for those trading strategies agree:

Dave from Washington…

Nina D. from Minnesota…

And Ramey, who wrote in…

(Estimated hold time of 3 weeks) 

The fact is - the reason I have tens of thousands of subscribers is because I’ve been early on some extremely important investment trends… 

And given my readers practical ways to capitalize on them. 

But nothing - and I mean this - NOTHING - comes close to the potential of the “Crypto 3.0” revolution. 

And NOW is the time to get involved. 

(Don’t worry it’s not a recurring subscription that you’ll forget about like Netflix or Apple Music - and again, it’s probably much cheaper than you’re expecting - I’ll explain more in just a second) 

Because as fun and thrilling as putting together this package was… 

Crypto is just one part of our overall investment strategy designed to CRUSH these difficult market conditions, and help regular investors target serious wealth. 

Here’s the thing: 

The time is long gone when you could just dump your money into an ETF and let it ride.

Interest rate hikes and an uncertain election year economy have brought chaos to the markets. 

And worldwide geopolitical instability is only heating up. All of this means that the market is in for one heck of a ride over the next few years. 

And the brutal truth is, if you’re not out there, actively searching for the best investments that can deliver the biggest alpha… 

Well, I expect you’re going to get crushed. 

Now, this might be scary for some. But for us, we see opportunity. 

Because if you’re savvy, the next few years offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as global markets realign themselves. 

This cryptocurrency boom is a key part to all that… 

But it’s far from the only opportunity developing right now, and Wealthpin Pro is your guide to those opportunities. 

Or to put it simply: 

Wealthpin Pro has only one goal: 

To show you how to target wins by delivering the most lucrative investment opportunities to YOU. 

We’re not registered investment advisors or brokers. We are purely an investment research firm. We never ask for your money to make investments on your behalf and we don’t charge fees or interest. 

You decide which of our ideas you like and how much you want to put into the trades. 

We strongly believe that the best manager of your money is YOU, and we want to give you the best possible tools to help you do that. 

Every month, my team and I will send you the latest, most-cutting edge investment opportunities in the world. 

Opportunities that can help you in a bull OR bear market… 

In a recession or boom time… 

In rain or shine. Because there is always an opportunity to trade. No matter what is going on in the world. 

And Wealthpin Pro is here to show you how to do it. 

When you purchase Crypto 3.0: The Ultimate Guide to Next Gen Crypto… 

Not only will you get the full Crypto 3.0 investment package (VALUE: $499)... 

You’ll also gain instant access to all these lucrative perks, exclusive to members of Wealthpin Pro: 

12 editions of the Wealthpin Pro Newsletter.

Each month, you’ll receive a brand-new piece of Wall Street-caliber investment research combined with my detailed analysis and easy-to-understand instructions on how to take advantage of each opportunity. These are the kinds of opportunities many Main Street investors NEVER hear about… and each one has the potential to help you win big! (Value: $1,097) 

Exclusive access to our members-only website. 

You’ll get a dedicated login for Inside, you’ll find all our past newsletter editions, a treasure trove of lucrative reports containing special investment opportunities, and best of all: Wealthpin Pro’s model portfolio, which contains every one of our open positions, which you can add to your own portfolio! 

Daily market updates 

The stock market is always evolving, and these past couple years have been the craziest we’ve ever seen. That’s why I’m going to send you real-time updates on the markets, so you’ll never be left wondering what to do next. 

Membership to our Private Telegram group 

We typically post daily with trade ideas, market updates and exclusive trading webinars on the private messaging app Telegram, which you can easily access from a phone or tablet. If you don’t use this app, no problem! You can still get all the materials through email and your private member’s website. But the app is free and easy to download and many of our members love using it. 

VIP Customer Service 

As a valued member of Wealthpin Pro, you’ll have complete access to our VIP customer service team, who are ready to assist you with anything you need. This isn’t some overseas call center where the people barely speak English, let alone understand our products. It isn’t AI chatbots either. 

These are full-time US employees working out of our scenic Florida office. Any questions or concerns or technical problems? They are standing by to help you, 9-5 on weekdays by phone, and 24-7 by email. 

This is a one-time payment… 

You will never be rebilled or auto-renewed unless you ask us to 

And here’s the best part - while this is a one year membership, it is NOT a subscription. 

You’ll NEVER get billed again automatically. 

This isn’t like Netflix or tons of other apps where you’ll quietly get dinged for $27 every single month until you cancel… and they’re hoping you’re too busy to cancel. 

You pay ONE time and have a membership for a full year. 

If you like what you get (and we work extremely hard to make sure that you do!) you can buy another year through our website. 

But if you don’t like it, or forget about it… no worries! We do not autobill you. 

If you want to buy another year that is up to YOU. 

We hope you will, but we want to EARN it the old-fashioned way by providing incredible content for you. 

So take action NOW. 

Claim your FREE copy of the Crypto 3.0 package when you try out a risk-free membership Wealthpin Pro for a year for just pennies a day 


Oh and here’s the best part: 

You have a full 90 days to try EVERYTHING out. 

To claim the crypto package… to get full access to Wealthpin Pro… to get every report and investment idea we’ve ever created… 

And if you don’t like it for any reason… 

You can get EVERY SINGLE PENNY of your subscription fee back. No processing fees, no holdbacks. 

This is a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We are so confident in our research and the opportunities that it represents that we are happy to offer this. 

Our only goal is to give you thrilling and massive potential trade ideas. And if you don’t feel we’re hitting that goal for any reason 

So there is no risk whatsoever to your membership fee today. 

But, the way we see it, there is enormous risk in standing on the sidelines and letting this generational cryptocurrency opportunity pass you by. 

So claim your research package TODAY by joining Wealthpin Pro

This total package is so affordable…we already might as well be giving it away for free. 

But I’m still going to make it even better. 

Along with your Crypto 3.0 package… 

And your yearly access to Wealthpin Pro… 

I’m also going to send you three more special investment dossiers:


As governments around the world turn to nuclear energy… 

Demand for uranium is skyrocketing. 

So much so, uranium prices just hit 12-year highs… 

Signaling a huge opportunity for investors. 

That’s why in this report, you’ll discover my #1 uranium pick right now. 

This stock has already given investors the chance to nearly double their money over the past few months… 

And it could soar even higher as the uranium boom continues to target a potential 10X--money returns over the next 5 years. 

But that’s not all I’ve got for you today… 

Because your second free report is called:  


Invest in the Uranium Boom for 10X-Market Sector Potential


The Apple of AI: How to Get in Early on the OS of the Future

But this report will help get you on track… 

Because it reveals what I believe is the most lucrative AI stock right now… 

A tiny “Apple of AI” company that has built the operating system I believe will power virtually all the AI technology of the future! 

That means with this one “Pick-and-shovel” investment… 

You could benefit from the entire $15.7 trillion AI sector and target what could be potential 6,170% gains – 

Enough to turn a tiny $2.5k stake into over $156,750 in just a few years! 

Get all the details in this free report. 


My #1 Ticker for Quantum Computing

Giving them the chance to rake in 6X returns in only 8 months! 

And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses, butI believe we’ve seen nothing yet – this brand-new technology has far more potential. 

That’s why I recommend you read this report ASAP to discover how to get in on this “profit party” right away. 

So, to recap… 

Here’s everything you get when you join Wealthpin Pro today!  

A full year of Wealthpin Pro Includes 12 editions, exclusive access to our members-only website, weekly market updates, and access to our model portfolio. (Value: $1097)

Your free package: “The Crypto 3.0 Revolution” (Value: $499)

Invest in the Uranium Boom for 10X-Your-Money Potential (Value: $99)

The Apple of AI: How to Target Profits From the OS of the Future (Value: $99)

My #1 Pick for Quantum Computing (Value: $99)

You’ll also be fully protected by my special 100% Money-Back Guarantee, which ensures you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

That comes to a total value of $1,893… 

But if you accept my special offer right now… 

It’s yours for what amounts to less than a full tank of gas!  A more than a 90% discount. 

(You can review your order before it’s final) 

As you can see, I’ve done everything in my power to make it as easy as possible for you to join me… 

But whether you take action, or miss out on this opportunity, is up to you 

You’ll be taken to an SSL-secured order form where you can review everything you’re getting one last time. 

Thanks, and I look forward to welcoming you inside Wealthpin Pro.

Alex Reid,
Founder, Wealthpin Pro


AI is another sector that’s booming right now… 

And investors are seeing countless chances to lock in lightning-fast profits. 

If you’re not raking in these “AI profits” yourself right now – you’re missing out! 

I told you earlier that humanity’s biggest problems, from disease to global hunger, could be solved by this strange black box – a quantum computer: 

But what I didn’t tell you is that the company behind this incredible invention has been dishing out life-changing profits to investors…